Monday, March 24, 2008

If I were alone on an Island....

Last week's discussion really got me thinking.. If I were alone on an island what books would I take with me.. and I would take:

1) The Bible
2) Ulysses
3) A Great Big HUGE blank diary and a pen with an endless supply of ink of course..

Those are my three ideas, does anyone else have anything they would like to add or perhaps tell me what three books they would want to take?

Also, I would just like to wish everyone a Happy Easter.. I hope you all enjoyed your holidays!


Anonymous said...

I actually thought about taking 3 blank books and writing my own - kind of like your idea with the diary. It would definitely keep you more occupied than reading the same books over and over... and then if you get rescued, you could always sell it for $$$$$

Laura said...

What about a photo album of family nd friends and places around the world, do you think that counts as a book?

Anonymous said...

I was just going to say...I would take:
1)Empty Notebook
2)Album of friends and family