Sunday, March 30, 2008

Saving Grace / Speech Sounds

Saving Grace
I don't really have a lot to say about this story, other than the fact that it really shows the ugly truth behind a patriarchy society. Women virtually had no rights. It's sad to think that a girl so young, can be punished so harshly for something as innocent as writing. Her hatred for her parents, even to the extent that she does not even say "good-bye" or "i love you" in the end shows just how young she is.
She was so young and immature that she did not realize that her family was just protecting her and were living the lives and following the traditions that they grew up with as well; however, she resents them simply because her family interfered with her self determination to become a writer. Although women were suppressed in such a time and society, there were many very strong and determined ladies who sacrificed much the same as Grace just to show what women can do.
Another story that I really enjoyed reading this week was Speech Sounds. It's interesting to see how people would communicate with simple gestures, yet have complete conversations. Body language is an important aspect with communication to those who can hear, speak read and write, so I can only imagine how much it would have progressed with a whole population who is lacking at least 2 of those abilities.
However, what is refreshing is that no matter what story we read whether the whole male population has been wiped off of the planet, a virus lowers our intelligence and takes our means of communication away or even being invaded by aliens, that man/woman kind prevails in the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This story was very frustrating to me. The presumption of males that they are better then women is just wrong. To be reading a story about a son able to punish his mother is sickening.